Classes & Workshops

Chen style tai chi & qigong classes in South London


From 13th January:


6.50pm to 7.45

The Fly Loft at South London Theatre, West Norwood (see map below) 


6pm to 6.50pm

7pm to 7.50pm

The Flyloft at the South London Theatre, West Norwood 

Each evening class sign up is £80 for 6 sessions within an 8 week period (to allow for missing a couple)

Drop in Rate £15 


9.15 am to 10.15 am in person 

Grafton Dance Centre, 7 Village Way, Dulwich SE21 7AW

Tai chi to start the day with. Tai Chi exercises that can bring calm awareness whilst gently developing strength, flexibility, balance and improve general health.

The Qigong aspect of the movements will support working with breath control, aiding relaxation, mind focus and energy flow.

To Book please contact here

SATURDAY MORNINGS - Tai Chi & Qigong in the Park 

Dates released on Whats Ap group weekly, see below for contact

Belair Park -see first map below for location of Belair Park (suggested donation £10)

If you want to be notified weekly of Tai Chi and Qigong in the Park sessions please contact here

SUNDAY WORKSHOPS  At the Grafton Dance Centre, Village Way, Dulwich - 10am to 12 middday 


See workshops page for details

All levels welcome 

 Contact here if interested in joining WAITING LIST 

Wear comfortable loose clothing and flat shoes (bare feet fine though in Summer, where possible we may train outside where it is recommended your wear shoes). 

Open to all levels of fitness.

See maps below

ONE OFF WORKSHOPS, SCHOOL OR CORPORATE TEAM SESSIONS also available, contact here for details

ONE TO ONE SESSIONS £85 / hour, plus travel if required

The Fly Loft

South London Theatre

The Old Fire Station

2A Norwood High Street

London SE27 9NS

Belair Park

Gallery Road

