
SUNDAY WORKSHOPS 10am to 12 midday

Grafton Dance Centre, Village Way, Dulwich, SE21  see Map below

January 21st Qigong

February 25th Tai Chi and Qigong 

March 24th Qigong 

April 21st Tai Chi and Qigong

May 19th Qigong

The Tai Chi Workshops open with a gentle warm up with qigong breathing to calm

the mind and promote relaxation before looking at the principles of Tai Chi through

the dynamic moving exercises of Silk Reeling and movements from the short “11


The workshops will have an emphasis on the qualities and depths of the

movements rather than the quantity of moves. So even the complete beginner

should be able to take away simple practices which can be brought into everyday


Despite the slow and gentle nature of the movements recent research has also

shown similar benefits of more vigorous aerobic exercise such as Zumba!

The Qigong Workshops will give the opportunity for deep relaxation through gentle breathing and floor work.

Through this we are connecting mind and body to open up space within and without allowing a greater flow of energy.

With a calmer mind and looser body this prepares us for entering the standing Qigong forms.

We will be working with different forms, such as the Eight Silk Brocades, Five Animals,  Healing Tones or others each offering a series of specific movements and sometimes sounds focusing on specific channels and organs to balance the flow of energy.

All workshops are £30 please contact here to book place